Training Center


Session 6.1- Documents

This sub-module allows you to upload documents that are useful to your company/organization for easy access and future reference. You can also download the documents that you have uploaded.Before you upload a document you must first create a category for that document.

Document Category: The following steps apply to creating a document category;

  1. Logon to
  2. Click on 'Special Modules'.
  3. Click on 'Documents'.
  4. Click on 'Document Categories'.
  5. Click on 'Create New'.
  6. Enter the name of the category and click 'Create'.

Edit Category: This allows you to make changes to a category you have already created. The following steps apply to editing a category;

  1. Logon to
  2. Click on 'Special Modules'.
  3. Click on 'Documents'.
  4. Click on 'Document Categories'.
  5. Search for the category and click 'Edit'.
  6. Make desired changes and click 'Ok'.

Upload a Document: The following steps apply to uploading a document

  1. Logon to
  2. Click on 'Special Modules'.
  3. Click on 'Documents'.
  4. Click on 'Create'
  5. Type in the Document name, description and select document category
  6. Click on 'Browse' and select the document
  7. Click on 'open'
  8. Click on 'Upload Document' and click 'OK' to confirm 

Download Document: this helps you to download the documents that you have uploaded

  1. Logon to
  2. Click on 'Special Modules'.
  3. Click on 'Documents'.
  4. Click on 'Download File'
  5. Select 'Open with' or 'Save to File'
  6. Click 'OK'

Delete Document: this helps you to delete the documents that you have uploaded

  1. Logon to
  2. Click on 'Special Modules'.
  3. Click on 'Documents'.
  4. Click on 'Delete'.
  5. Click on 'Delete' again to confirm your action




Current: Session 6.1- Documents


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