The Doctor's module enables Doctors to record consultation, view appointments, check if a patient has paid consultation fee and also to view surgery records of patients.
New Consultation Record:
This sub-module allows doctors to carry out consultations on patients and enter the results of such consultations. The following steps apply to creating a new consultation;
Investigation and Management: This allows a Doctor to create prescriptions for a patient
The following steps apply to creating of prescriptions;
After creating a patient's consultation record, the record comes with a number of links which include;
Review, Delete, Investigation and Consult.
Below are the descriptions for these links.
1. View Details of Consultation Record:
This allows you to view details of the consultation record of a customer. The following steps apply to viewing details of consultation record;
You can now view details of patient consultation record.
2. Edit Consultation Record:
This allows you to make changes to a consultation record that has already been created. The following steps apply to editing a consultation record;
3. Delete Consultation Record:
This allows you to delete a record that you have already created. The following steps apply to deleting a consultation record;
4. Add Consultation:
This allows a Doctor to create new consultation for a patient he has attended to before. The following steps apply to adding a consultation record for a patient;
Setup Dosage: This helps you to create dosage frequency
The following steps apply to creating of dosage frequency;
Setup Dosage Edit: This helps you to edit dosage frequency
The following steps apply to editing of dosage frequency;
Setup Dosage Delete: This helps you to delete dosage frequency
The following steps apply to deleting of dosage frequency;
Antenatal: This helps you to keep proper records/appointments of antenatal patient
The following steps apply to creating new antenatal patient;
Edit Antenatal: This helps you to edit antenatal patient
The following steps apply to editing antenatal patient;
Delete Antenatal: This helps you to delete antenatal patient
The following steps apply to deleting antenatal patient;
This sub-module allows the doctor to create\view patients' surgical records.The following steps apply to creating\viewingsurgical records;
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